Wednesday, February 27, 2008

For A Man's Best Friend

Who doesn't want a best friend? We all do, I know, but one who is loyal no matter what. Right? And who could be more loyal than a dog. Once a dog learns you like him, he'll love you back, without any condition attached.
Like you, a dog needs a place of his own: a place he can jump on, sit on, sleep on (even how much he prefers your bed!). And, just like any friend you want the best for him, right again? You want him to be comfortable, at ease, happy.
One of the furniture items a dog should never be without are dog beds. From puppy hood to adulthood, dogs sleep when they need to and whenever they want to. And just like you, he can also be grumpy when his nap time is interrupted. Choose one that is of the right size, and of durable yet comfortable materials. Don't forget, they love colors, too.
One's best friend also reacts to changes in the weather, especially when older. so gift him comfy throws that will be kind to some aching joints.
How about a car of his own? He'll be thrilled to "ride" it, for sure, and, your friend will appreciate your thoughtfulness without end.
Remember, all dogs remember little acts of kindness.

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