Friday, April 06, 2007


Good Friday is a meatless day for us. In fact the whole Holy Week is.
Last night, as Ed and I were about to go to bed, I suddenly thought of a vegetarian pancit. This morning, he went out to have our Sienna van washed and when he came back he had the ingredients for the dish. Jet and Matthew came over so we all had pancit, complete with toyo and calamansi from our own tree. Of course, Matthew had his bottle of milk.
Doesn't Matthew look like an angel in prayer?


Lynn said...

Came here through Pinoy Moms Network. I can't help commenting if I see baby pictures. Baby Matthew is so cute. I love the expression on his face with that close-up shot. Haha! :)

Gattina said...

What cute pictures of the baby !
I don't eat that much meat anymore and we often have fish or other pasta (my husband is italian) without meat. It's also the use over here not to eat meet during the easter period.

Heart of Rachel said...

I'm impressed that you don't eat meat for the duration of the whole Holy Week.

Have I told you before that I used to be a "semi-vegetarian" for several years? I didn't eat pork or beef. But all that changed when I met Jules. After attending Batangas fiestas and all those handaans, I just couldn't refrain from having some meat. Thus, I gained so much weight. Anyway, my cousin and friend who started the program with me are now full fledged vegans. Me? Full pledged meat eating gal (much to their dismay but they still love me nevertheless). LoL!

Awww, Matthew is so cute! Yes, he looks deep in prayer.

Yummy pancit!

Have a blessed Easter to the whole family. We'll be going early to Mama Norma's house. Ves is having a nice Easter egg hunt for the kids.

Anonymous said...

ang gwapo naman ng baby na yan!!! sarap halikan-baby's breath pa talaga!

and tama ka--angel in prayer.

i like pancit very much...