Tuesday, June 05, 2007

20/40 vision

Had to take off from work so I could visit an eye doctor. For the last three weeks I've been noticing that my right eye was losing its function. Lately I could feel as if there's a drape hanging over it - not just a sheer one but a heavy damask! My appointment was at 11:10 and I was called at 10:51. WOW, that was a first in my almost 20 years of going to Kaiser Permanente! After some tests, the doctor assured me that there's nothing wrong with my eyes but he wanted to make sure so he referred me to an optalmologist. Got a same day appointment for 2:00 but I wasn't called till 2:17. Then I had to wait for another 17 minutes until the doctor got done with another patient. I was about to leave when a jolly, fortyish man in uniform greeted me with apologies for being late. He seemed so nice that I forgot I had been waiting that long. He tested my sight - 20/40. Not so bad. He gave me some pupil dilating drops. I had to wait for another 10 minutes which became 20 instead. (Patience. Relax. Take a deep breathe. ) He tested my retina. Good. He tested for cataract impairment! Nothing. He suspected I had a stroke that affected some veins into my right eye because the veins were much lighter than the veins on my left. He couldn't do much about it today, so he suggested I have two more tests - names of which I forgot. He took me to the nurse. Gave her some instructions. After another long 12 minutes I was told that two weeks from today, I will have another appointment, 3 in all, two with him and one more with another eye doctor. Before he left he gave me "sun glasses". It is now exactly 3:44. And Jacob is waiting to be picked up from school!! Collected my appointment papers and ran! Thank God my eyes are still good and Jacob is home. I shouldn't complain about the time I spent in there. Now, I need to watch my diet.


Anonymous said...

hmmm, what does eye sight have to do with diet, i wonder?

as to eye sight, you are lucky to have 20-20 vision i had laser surgery about 10+ years ago, and to this date, my eye sight is perfect (except of course, since i am 40+, i need reading glasses)

Anonymous said...

what i mean is not 40+, it's going 50!