Saturday, June 02, 2007

Joseph Graduates !!!

Joseph, pictured with his mom, dad and auntie, graduated from Mater Dei High in Tustin. How time flies. I remember very well the first time I saw him just a few hours after he was born - tiny but already chubby. Unlike his Kuya Paolo who's always the clown of the party, Joseph is the quiet one. But he is the champion. As a pitcher, he led both his elementary and his high school baseball teams to victory. I learned that his plan is to pursue a degree in nursing in Arizona so (his mom says jokingly) he won't have to see her everyday. My relationship to him is unique in the sense that, aside from being my godson, his mom is my cousin on my mother's side and my niece on my father's side. (So does his auntie, Tina). Not only was it time that flew so fast, also his height. Before he used to look up at me, now I'm the one who has to look up at him! CONGRATULATIONS and Good Luck to our dear and beloved JOSEPH !!!


L. said...

Congratulations to your very handsome (and tall!) godson, Joseph!

Time does fly by way too quickly, doesn't it?

: ) Grammie

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.