Friday, September 17, 2010

Neil's Designs

When Neil, my nephew, was barely 5 years old, he would draw all the ninja characters, in action, and would proudly show me to get my nod. When he reached middle school he had a sketch book filled with sceneries and portraits he pencil-sketched- and every weekend that I would spend with his family, he would pull the pad out of his drawer to again show me. I knew he would go far with his talent. I was not wrong. He is now an architect and I am posting two of his designs.
Neil, you've gone a long way from that matchstick drawing you used to show me! Good job!!!
BTW, Neil is in white shirt in the group picture.

1 comment:

Forever59er said...

Oh my, very impressive. I had my home renovated (thanks to Ondoy) and I sorta like it (though it is still almost bare) but these designs make me drool. I realize mine has a long way to go. (Ayan you made me feel discontented .. hahaha) - annamanila