Friday, August 20, 2010

Needed: Determination Determination Determination!!!

For the last two months I have been trying to gather enough courage to go into our garage with determination..... determination to put down those boxes that fill the shelves lining the walls. But putting those boxes down will only clutter the garage more, you might think. Well I want to put them down so I can haul each box into the recyclable bin. Yes, I want to finally say goodbye to those things that we've been clinging to for the last 2 or more decades! Items that we've not used for years but so afraid to let go of.
But what I am afraid of is my lack of determination not to open those boxes without taking a last look at the items inside and put each item back in the box and back on the shelves again!!!
Somebody HELP!!!!


julie said...

I've heard/read before that items that have not been used for more than two years, especially clothes, can be let go, how much more for more than two decades! :D

if these aren't clothes, perhaps you can take photos, at least you still have a "remembrance" of that thing from the past :)

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I have this same problem ... I am packing right now too but I ahve boxes stored for years.
I am so glad you shared this ...I am getting this determination to chuck /recycle!