Sunday, January 03, 2010

2009 into 2010

Everyone needs an inspiration. Mine is named NANCIE. Whenever I feel like complaining why things don't go my way, I think of her. When a little pain makes me wince, I think of her. When I get disappointed for not getting what I wanted, I sought her page. From her I collect my own courage, strength, understanding, forgiveness, faith and love. I can't feel what she feels but I know I feel much better than she does and yet everything for her is about hope, love, mercy, devotion, generosity and faith.
Thanks, Nancie.


Nancie said...

Thanks for this sweet post, Princess. I am thankful that you have found my blog helpful.

I am unable to blog and visit regularly but do feel greatly blessed by yours and many other blogs. Thank you for your visit. Do come by whenever you can. Take care and God bless you!

Warm regards,

Princess said...

You are very welcome, Nancie.